Tuesday, October 6, 2009

no harnony at all

Last friday i'm taking my biology paper 2 trial exams.I 'm the only one sit for that exams on that day because all others had did their paper 2.I'm just replace that exams and just like challenge myself.That teacher says that my paper 2 for biology marks will not be counted because everyone had already know the question and had sit for that paper only i'm the one.Just because of that day that paper clash with the other paper i sat for.When my biology tuition teacher ask why no marks counted in and say also then your results will be affected.Then i say my result will not be affected because that subject is my additional subject no marks counted into with my result.I tell that to my biology tuition teacher before my biology exams for that paper.He asked me before my exams.
During that day i sit for that exams paper,the teacher ask me to do it in the room that the discipline teacher use to punished student.Maybe she think that no one will be there and disturbed my exams.But there is a lot of teacher walk in to that room to do their things and ask me plentiful of question and disturbed my exams.Headache!
The funniest part was in those question which about humans organ i draw out the organs.I use that to help me to answer my exams paper question.I think the teacher will shake their head because of those diagram i draw.

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